Making India is not easy task, without availability of proper funding at reasonable interest rate, Small and Medium Enterprise is backbone of growing Indian Economy, however due to lack of timely and required fund many businesses run into loss or are in verge of shutting down.
We at SMNK & Co. truly believes that making India may not be easy task but it’s not impossible task as well, with accurate guidance, timely funding at reasonable interest rate with proper compliance of applicable laws and rules it is very much possible that business may prosper and promoter may achieve dream business well in time.
Banks and financial institute land money based on your repayment capacity or based on security, however the most important thing is business reputation, please keep in mind the following thing to make bankers and stakeholders happy.
Funding can broadly divided into
As the name suggest, long term financing is form of financing that is provided for a longer period, usually more than one year, long term financing service are provided to those businesses, that faces the shortage of capital. Sources of long term financing are
Short term Finance facilitate businessman in meeting day to day requirement of funds to pay day to day business expense and also to meet certain immediate business opportunities. Sources of Short term financing are